Sunday, May 27, 2012

Photo contest and NE show

No entrys for the May contest. June is still on if I get enough interest.

I got back from the NE show a week ago, with a new gerbil! Her name is Persephone, and I'll be pairing her with Demeter, who is alone. More info on that later on on this post.

I had a great time at the show, and really enjoyed getting to meet other gerbil-crazy people. I'd really like to thank my Grammy for taking me to the show! I've got some pictures:

Updates on my gerbils:

About a month ago, Demeter had a falling out with her sisters, Hestia and Hera. She now lives alone, but once Persephone is out of quarantine I'll start the split cage. Persephone is a--as yet unmolted-- silver nutmeg:

Hera and Hestia are doing fine in their 30gal.

Athena and Artemis are doing fine. However, Artemis has gotten rather chubby during my vacation so less seeds for her!

Jenny and Agger continue to live in a 29gal split tank with lots of bedding and treats.

So that's the news of my eight gerbils!
